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TheMagneticScrollsCollection.6.img: DOS/MBR boot sector, code offset 0x3c+2, OEM-ID "MSDOS4.0", sectors/cluster 2, root entries 112, sectors 1440 (volumes <=32 MB), Media descriptor 0xf9, sectors/FAT 3, sectors/track 9, serial number 0x15f31316, label: "SIX ", FAT (12 bit), followed by FAT
├── [-rwxr-xr-x root     root               4 Jul  5  1991]  CONE.RSC
├── [-rwxr-xr-x root     root             174 Jul  5  1991]  CORR.RDF
├── [-rwxr-xr-x root     root            6900 Jul  5  1991]  CSIX.RSC
├── [-rwxr-xr-x root     root           64175 Jul  5  1991]  FFIVE.RSC
├── [-rwxr-xr-x root     root             145 Jul  5  1991]  FISH.RDF
├── [-rwxr-xr-x root     root               4 Jul  5  1991]  FONE.RSC
├── [-rwxr-xr-x root     root               4 Jul  5  1991]  GONE.RSC
├── [-rwxr-xr-x root     root            8394 Jul  5  1991]  GSIX.RSC
├── [-rwxr-xr-x root     root             174 Jul  5  1991]  GUILD.RDF
├── [-rwxr-xr-x root     root           61058 Jul  5  1991]  INSTALL.EXE
├── [-rwxr-xr-x root     root               0 Jul  5  1991]  SIX
├── [-rwxr-xr-x root     root               4 Jul  5  1991]  SONE.RSC
└── [-rwxr-xr-x root     root            2094 Jul  5  1991]  STHREE.RSC

0 directories, 13 files

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