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Elvira2.1.img: DOS/MBR boot sector, code offset 0x28+2, OEM-ID "IBM 3.3", root entries 224, sectors 2880 (volumes <=32 MB), sectors/FAT 9, sectors/track 18, dos < 4.0 BootSector (0), FAT (12 bit by descriptor+sectors), followed by FAT
├── [-rwxr-xr-x root     root           17262 Dec 23  1991]  INSTALL.EXE
├── [-rwxr-xr-x root     root           31256 May 31  1989]  LHARC.EXE
├── [-rwxr-xr-x root     root           40910 May 31  1989]  LHARC.MAN
├── [-rwxr-xr-x root     root          105372 Jan 24  1992]  PC1.LZH
├── [-rwxr-xr-x root     root          242930 Jan 22  1992]  PC14.LZH
├── [-rwxr-xr-x root     root          226138 Jan 24  1992]  PC2.LZH
├── [-rwxr-xr-x root     root          248713 Jan 22  1992]  PC3.LZH
└── [-rwxr-xr-x root     root          243580 Jan 22  1992]  PC5.LZH

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